85 research outputs found

    Automatización de simulaciones en DIgSILENT Power Factory para la verificación de ajustes de protecciones distancia

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    Este trabajo propone y desarrolla un modelo para la automatización del proceso de simulaciones para la verificación de ajustes de protecciones distancia en Líneas de Transmisión mediante la herramienta DIgSILENT Power Factory, empleando el lenguaje de programación embebido DIgSILENT Programming Language (DPL). Por medio de Redes de Petri coloreadas en la herramienta CPN Tools se realizó la representación del flujo del proceso objeto de análisis, logrando discretizar parte del desarrollo requerido. Con la automatización del proceso de simulaciones se obtiene una disminución considerable en el tiempo de ejecución de la actividad, permitiendo incrementar el tiempo en el análisis de detalle y validación de resultados. Adicionalmente, con la propuesta del trabajo se estandarizan criterios para la validación de ajustes de protecciones distancia. Finalmente, el modelo fue probado en un sistema de 230 kV realizando el proceso en dos extremos de una Línea de Transmisión.Abstract: This paper proposes and develops a model for automate the simulation process to verify distance protection settings in Transmission Lines by DIgSILENT Power Factory tool using the embedded DPL programming language. Through Colored Petri Nets in CPN tools, the process flow representation under analysis was carried out, managing to discretize part of the required development. Automate the simulation process allow the reduction of the execution time of the activity and increase time in the detail analysis and validation of results. Additionally, the model standardizes the criteria for the validation of distance relay settings. Finally, the model was tested in a 230 kV Power System performing the process on two ends of a Transmission Line.Maestrí

    Recovery of slopes through works of bioengineering, on the methodology based on the guadua material case study: andean area - Paramo Sumapaz

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    Colombia es un país, poseedor de infinidad de recursos naturales, distribuidos en paramos, humedales y fuentes hídricas que de una u otra manera han generado que se focalice en preservar y mantener el hábitat sin mayor intervención posible, por lo tanto se ha buscado siempre en la mejor alternativa de recuperar de diversas maneras a través de soluciones amigables de bajo impacto estructural como social. La ubicación de estas soluciones a partir de obras siempre ha sido en pro de lugares que tengan estas características y el Páramo de Sumapaz no es ajeno a ello, ya que cuenta con franjas de vegetación de bosque altoandino, andino y subandino, que en temporadas de precipitación alta, ocasiona problemas erosivos y de deslizamientos de tierra, conllevando a restricción de las vías del sector, adicional a ello la gestión de riesgos por el aumento de los deslizamientos y erosiones superficiales en el Páramo de Sumapaz no es la mejor, lo que indica que se requiere una intervención oportuna desde múltiples enfoques, estructurales, sanitarios, sociales y ambientales. Debido a estos problemas se buscó insistentemente implementar soluciones amigables con el ambiente, que brinden una solución oportuna y eficiente en estas condiciones, por ello se planteó obras de bioingeniería soportadas bajo el material de Guadua, ya que este material aporta una solución de creciente interés por sus beneficios ambientales y económicos. Este artículo se desarrolló en base a la nueva inclusión de esta alternativa para estabilizar y reconformar los taludes pertenecientes al Páramo de Sumapaz, con una propuesta de desarrollo agradable y amigable para el ambiente con un bajo impacto social. Para la utilización de estas pantallas vivas, se realizó un reconocimiento de la zona, a través de una exploración de campo, con el fin de extraer muestras y tener una clasificación del material predominante de la zona, para con ello puntualizar la profundidad de hincado de estas pantallas. Dicho esto se realizó la verificación de la implementación de esta solución ingenieril a través del programa “SLIDE 5.0” el cual analizo e interpreto que bajo esta solución los factores se seguridad aumentaban disminuyendo el riesgo de erodabilidad de los taludes pertenecientes al Paramo de Sumapaz.Colombia is a country, possessor of an infinity of natural resources, distributed in paramos, wetlands and water sources that in one way or another have generated a focus on preserving and maintaining the habitat without major intervention, therefore it has always been sought in the best alternative to recover in various ways through friendly solutions with low structural and social impact. The location of these solutions from works has always been in favor of places that have these characteristics and the Sumapaz Paramo is no stranger to it, since it has strips of vegetation of high Andean, Andean and sub-Andean forests, which in seasons of high precipitation, causes erosion problems and landslides, leading to restriction of the roads of the sector, in addition to this risk management by increasing landslides and surface erosions in the Sumapaz Paramo is not the best, which indicates that a timely intervention is required from multiple approaches, structural, health, social and environmental. Due to these problems it was insistently sought to implement friendly solutions with the environment, which provide a timely and efficient solution in these conditions, for this reason, bioengineering works supported under the Guadua material were proposed, since this material provides a solution of growing interest for its environmental and economic benefits. This article was developed based on the new inclusion of this alternative to stabilize and reconform the slopes belonging to the Sumapaz Paramo, with a proposal of pleasant and friendly development for the environment with a low social impact. For the use of these live screens, a reconnaissance of the area was carried out, through a field exploration, to be able to extract samples and have a classification of the predominant material of the area, in order to specify the depth of driving of these screens. That said the verification of the implementation of this engineering solution was carried out through the "SLIDE 5.0" program, which analyzed and interpreted that under this solution the security factors increased, reducing the risk of erodability of the slopes belonging to the Sumapaz Paramo

    Prototipo de registro y control de urgencias médicas

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    El tema de nuestro proyecto son los sistemas de información siendo estos la mejor solución al regular los procesos de recolección de información para los datos de los usuarios en salud, los sistemas de información son herramientas para administrar procesos, entradas y salidas de un sistema. El proyecto se encamina y procura solucionar un problema que a diario se ve en nuestra sociedad el mal servicio brindado inicialmente a los usuarios que acceden al servicio de urgencias medicas en clínicas y hospitales, esperamos que sea útil y poder garantizar una mejor atención, posteriormente también poder implementarlo en todos aquellos lugares donde se atienden urgencias hospitalarias; Conociendo que los seres humanos pretendemos entender, manipular, interpretar, organizar e incluso dominar la información. Para lograrlo hemos utilizado gran variedad de métodos hasta llegar a lo que hoy se conoce como sistemas de informació

    Cómo influye la toma decisiones basadas en la percepción en la empresa Standar Gold de Colombia SAS

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    A través de este trabajo de grado se podrá visionar la percepción como un elemento fundamental para la toma de decisiones gerenciales. Entender los términos administrativos y hasta qué punto la resolución de problemas en las empresas son viables bajo este concepto. Aquí confrontaremos la parte investigativa la aplicación en la empresa minera Standard Gold de Colombia SAS

    Efecto de la oxidación térmica en nanoestructuras de TiO2 sobre la nanodureza y resistencia a la corrosión

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    This article aimed to analyze the effect of the thermal oxidation in the corrosion resistance and the hardness properties of TiO2 nanostructures obtained by the anodizing process in the HF/H3PO4 solution. TiO2 nanostructures on Ti6Al4V obtained by anodizing processes were subjected to thermal oxidation (TO) treatments over a temperature range from 500 ºC to 620 ºC for 2 hours. Surface morphology was evaluated by using scanning electron microscopy; the hardness properties of TiO2 nanostructures were obtained by Nanoindentation measurements using a Berkovich probe with a tip radius of 150 mm. The corrosion behavior of the samples was studied using potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The results showed that TiO2 nanostructures, modified by thermal oxidation, increased the surface properties of hardness and corrosion resistance, compared to the substrate, maintaining its mixed or tubular structure. On the other hand, a transformation of nanotubes to nanopores after 600ºC was evidenced, generating significant changes in the mechanical properties of these structures.El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el efecto de oxidación térmica en la resistencia a la corrosión y las propiedades de dureza de nanoestructuras de TiO2 obtenidas por procesos de anodizado en solución de HF/ H3PO4. Las nanoestructuras de TiO2 sobre Ti6Al4V por procesos de anodizado fueron sometidas a tratamiento de oxidación térmica (OT)en un rango de 500 ºC a 620 ºC por dos (2) horas. La morfología superficial fue evaluada mediante microscopia electrónica de barrido; las propiedades de dureza de nanoestructuras de TiO2 fueron obtenidas por medidas de nanoindentación usando una probeta Berkovich de radio 150 mm. El comportamiento a la corrosión de las muestras fue estudiado usando polarización potenciodinámica y espectroscopia de impedancia electroquímica (EIS). Los resultados mostraron que la nanoestructuras de TiO2, modificadas por oxidación térmica, incrementaron las propiedades superficiales de dureza y resistencia a la corrosión, comparadas a las del substrato, manteniendo su estructura mixta o tubular. Además, se evidenció una transformación de nanotubos a nanoporos después de 600 ºC generando cambios significativos en las propiedades mecánicas de estas estructuras

    The impact of using games in the English learning process of seventh grades students, Quebrada Honda School, afternoon shift, during the first semester 2016

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    The applications of games in the classroom are essential for the improvement of the quality in the learning process as a second language. It is considered that the use of games helps students to acquire the language in a spontaneous way for the students of seventh grade at Quebrada Honda school, afternoon shift during the first semester 2016 in which the main objective is to demonstrate the impact of games in the classroom. Also, the benefits with the implemention of games in order to provide students different kinds of games that make them feel motivated. This study has a quantitative approach with qualitative implications .Qualitative because a hypothesis established measurement was changed into numerical value .Qualitative because surveys, observation and deep interviews were applied that allowed to understand the problem of study in which a group of ten students and a teacher were selected. When the results were analyzed, it was concluded that there was a close relation between the use of games and the quality of education. In other words, the students enjoy and at the same time they learn in English class because the teacher implements games in most of the contents. According to the information obtained from the research instruments applied , it was demonstrated that the impact of games have taken advantages by helping the students to develop the cognitive thinking and teacher practices several kinds of games related to listening, speaking, reading and writin

    Corrosion behavior and microstructural characterization of friction stir welded API X70 steel

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    Friction stir welding (FSW) is an excellent alternative process used in pipelines circumferential welds due to fusion welded joint low corrosion resistance. This study describes the corrosion resistance as a function of the microstructural features resulting from an API X70 FSW welded joint. The microstructural features were examined by optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and x-ray diffraction. The corrosion analysis was conducted employing potentiodynamic polarization tests using an electrochemical microcell, which allowed to test small circular areas delimited by a 2 mm in diameter O-ring gasket. The base metal and heat-affected zone were the most susceptible regions to corrosion due to their banded microstructures. The re-stirred-zone and stir zone were the most resistant regions to corrosion which was associated to grain refinement. The corrosion rate presented by the base metal and the heat-affected zone was approximately six times higher than the region of least susceptibility to corrosion, in this case, the re-stirred-zone.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Low-cost measurement for a secondary Mode S radar transmitter

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    A low-cost, multiple-purpose, and high-precision timing test setup for the measurements of secondary Mode S radar transmission signal was proposed. The goal was to fully guarantee compliance of the proposed transmitter under test with the really hard International Civil Aircraft Organization requirements using traditional measurement equipment, which was difficult or even impossible to ensure up to now. The low-cost structure proposed in this paper allows the user to perform measurements independently of the measurements performed by the pieces of test equipment shelled by the manufacturer of radar, which is a very important aspect since the independence of the verifications is a mandatory requirement established by the safety standards of civil aviation. The proposed setup has been used to verify several transmitters with some defects that are not detected by monopulse secondary surveillance radar specific pieces of test equipment that are focused on more high-level functionalities. It also is valid and it has been used, as a general-purpose setup, for testing other radio navigation aids

    Construction of a Video Transmission Scenario in Software-Defined Networks for QoE Estimation

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    The services supported by data networks have become widespread, so the architectures of the new data networks are service-oriented. They are endowed with intelligence, flexibility, and programmability. The preceding is with the aim of providing acceptability by users. Thus, this paper presents the construction of a video transmission scenario over a software-defined network (SDN, Software-Defined Networking) using free software and modifying its behavior with background traffic, on which the Quality of Experience (QoE) is estimated. Subjective and objective metrics were used for the QoE estimation. For the first one, the Mean Opinion Score (MOS) was used, while the second one was studied with the Full Reference Image Quality Assessment (FR-IQA). Finally, a correlation between the two types of metrics was proposed

    Contingent variables in the implementation process of IFRS : comparative analysis between the public and private sector in Colombia

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    RESUMEN: El presente trabajo permite analizar las variables contingentes de mayor impacto en los procesos de implementación de estándares internacionales de contabilidad e información financiera. Se ha utilizado la metodología de estudio de caso en dos entidades representativas en Colombia, por parte del sector estatal, la Gobernación de Antioquia que es uno de los departamentos más representativos y referentes de Colombia, y por el sector privado, un holding de 9 empresas con 3.600 empleados, dedicadas a la prestación de servicios. La exploración a profundidad permitió comparar este proceso de implementación basados en cinco variables contingentes de alto impacto en el proceso de implementación. Los procesos de implementación son similares en ambos casos analizados y la comparación no permite generalizar que una misma variable tenga la misma importancia para ambas empresas, dado que no solo se diferencian por el sector al que pertenece cada entidad, sino por las condiciones internas y del entorno.ABSTARCT: This paper provides the opportunity to analyze the contingent variables of highest impact in implementation processes of international standards on accounting and financial information. The methodology used is the case study in two representative entities in Colombia, on the part of public sector, the Gobernación de Antioquia, which is one of the most representative departments and a model in Colombia; and on the part of the private sector, a holding of 9 businesses with 3.600 employees involved in service delivery. The further exploration enabled the comparison of this implementation process based on five high impact contingent variables in the implementation process. Implementation processes are similar in both cases which were analyzed, and their comparison does not allow generalizing that one single variable is equally important for both businesses, given that they do not differ only for the sector they belong, but the internal conditions and the environment